W o r k g r o u p M a i l  V e r s i o n 7
 Step by Step Installation Guide
4 Choose Configuration

This page lets you specify how you wish to configure WorkgroupMail in terms of sending and receiving mail. WorkgroupMail provides 3 different options depending upon whether you use an ISP, host your own mail domain or you just wish to use WorkgroupMail for internal mail only.

If you are a small to medium sized organization, it is likely that you use an ISP (Internet Service Provider) for sending and receiving mail. In this case, select the Standard ISP-based mail server radio button. Make the same selection at the bottom of this page and press Next.
If you are a larger organization and you host your own mail domain (i.e. the MX record for your domain points to the computer that will run WorkgroupMail), then select the Standalone mail server radio button. Make the same selection at the bottom of this page and press Next.
If you are only interested in sending and receiving e-mail within your organization and not over the Internet then select the Internal mail only radio button. Make the same selection at the bottom of this page and press Next.
 Standard ISP-based mail server
 Standalone mail server
 Internal mail only
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